Forum Index > Public Lands Stewardship > Please report North Cascades grizzly bear sightings
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Joined: 15 Jun 2005
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PostMon Oct 23, 2006 11:17 am 
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Joined: 29 Oct 2006
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PostSun Oct 29, 2006 4:58 pm 
Hey Working Stiff: Do you have any other info regarding Grizzly sightings in Oregon and Colorado/New Mexico.

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Joined: 15 Jun 2005
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PostSun Mar 11, 2007 7:59 am 
A late response is better then none.....
Zoey; There was an article in the Oregonian a couple years back discussing recent confirmed sightings in the Wallowas... As for Colo/NMex, despite repeated denials by Colorado Dept of Wildlife officials, there have been several reported sightings there including two alledged Grizzly attacks in recent years....In one attack a few years back, a hunting guide named Ed Wiseman killed a Grizzly sow that was mauling him by ramming an arrow into it......Here's an interesting discussion/debate by bowhunters, about the possibilty of Grizzlies in CO....Grizz in Colorado??

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Bryan K
Shameless Peakbagger

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Bryan K
Shameless Peakbagger
PostSun Mar 11, 2007 10:09 am 
This thread is regarding grizzly sightings in the north cascades, not the rocky mountain states.

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PostFri Apr 06, 2007 8:28 pm 
I'm curious as to when the last sighting at mount rainier occured. i thought grizzlies were long gone from there. I've seen black bears though. About 5 years back one of them actually made it all the way to a road near my house.

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Hot balls

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Hot balls
PostMon Apr 09, 2007 10:45 am 
What a dumb flag.... rolleyes.gif

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Zip Lock Bagger

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Zip Lock Bagger
PostMon Apr 09, 2007 3:45 pm 
Grizzly wrote:
...there are many observations as far south as Cle Elum. In fact there's a hotspot on the Teanaway River. Great bear country around there, and many sightings in the past. In general they are very lightly scattered across the Cascades from Canada to I-90... Chris
It's funny how a messenger's credibility varies directly with the price of the airline ticket needed to fly him to a lecture engagement. wink.gif
Backpacker Joe wrote:
[17 JAN 2003] ...I had made it over the Gap and had rafted Anewor. The trek down to Acceber was doo dah. No trail but no biggie either. I ate dinner at Acceber and had decided to trek down to Levohs before dark. Just after leaving Acceber, descending but before entering the brush I stopped because I heard some loud grunting. I stopped in a group of tall cedars. At my feet was a scat pile 10" high and LARGE. Above me there were claw marks in the bark 3+ feet taller than I could reach. I stuck one finger into the claw mark and my finger went almost all the way into the mark. It was deep. Below me some 70 yards distance, and 100+ feet lower in elevation was the outlet creek from Acceber. It was in that creek that the brush started moving back and fourth like there was a Volkswagen in there. The grunting continued along with the brush movement, and then it stopped and Mr. bears head poked out of the brush. I saw his head down the starting of his hump. His head was huge. There was like 3' between his little wiggling ears and his black nose. He was reddish brown with some light color around his hump. He seemed to be smelling the air around his head. I was frozen, and time seemed to stand still for a while. He went back into the brush and it moved around a lot. He poked his head out again once more before he and the brush movent moved east south east away from me until I couldn't see or hear any of it again. Im no great white hunter, but I read a lot and have seen many of the television programs about bears. Nobody will convince me that what I saw wasn't a grizzly bear. It was to big to be a black bear. It was the wrong color. It had a large hump behind its head. I looked at the .357 magnum revolver that I carried a chuckled. "Well I said to myself, I'd better save one of these for me" I would have hated to have had to defend myself with that revolver. But the thought of carrying around a five pound Freedom Arms .475 Linebaugh revolver isnt good either. Im glad nothing happened. I waited a while and then stayed up high on the hill I was originally descending as far as I could before making it down into the valley. I made it to Levohs lake a couple hours later. I didn't sleep much that night. I went out via Slevohs outlet the next day. TB
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Crazy Bob

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Crazy Bob
PostFri Sep 17, 2010 4:44 am 
Bump. Made the New York Times. Several hikers have noted seeing these barbed wire enclosures on their wanderings this summer.
In Search of the Grizzly (if Any Are Left)

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Alleged Sockpuppet!

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Alleged Sockpuppet!
PostFri Sep 17, 2010 5:02 am 
I read that article and got mad. Aren't we told NOT to feed the bears? And there they go. Feeding bears in the name of research. Stupid.

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