Forum Index > Trail Talk > In remembrance of a friend - Franklin W Bradshaw
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Born Yesterday

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Born Yesterday
PostMon Jan 20, 2014 3:40 pm 
I thought it might be nice to get a thread going where everyone who has photos of Franklin puts them in one place. He was a great man and deserves to be remembered. I'll start.
Franklin and Carla scramble on S Hozomeen.
Franklin and Carla scramble on S Hozomeen.
On the way up S Hozomeen.
On the way up S Hozomeen.
Christmas on Mt. Rainier.
Christmas on Mt. Rainier.
Franklin nearing the summit of Mt. Rainier.  December, 2009.
Franklin nearing the summit of Mt. Rainier. December, 2009.
Franklin on the summit of Rainier.  December 26, 2009.
Franklin on the summit of Rainier. December 26, 2009.
All bundled up on Columbia Crest.
All bundled up on Columbia Crest.
Franklin on the summit of S Hozomeen.
Franklin on the summit of S Hozomeen.
Descending the Ingraham Glacier.
Descending the Ingraham Glacier.
On the Ingraham Gl after a successful winter climb of Mt Rainier.
On the Ingraham Gl after a successful winter climb of Mt Rainier.
With Jeff and Carla on the way up S Hozomeen.
With Jeff and Carla on the way up S Hozomeen.
Pondering life at basecamp on Rainier's Curtis Ridge on the 4th of July.  We would witness a great fireworks show later that evening.
Pondering life at basecamp on Rainier's Curtis Ridge on the 4th of July. We would witness a great fireworks show later that evening.
Enjoying another nice sunset.  One of many that Franklin enjoyed in his great lifetime.
Enjoying another nice sunset. One of many that Franklin enjoyed in his great lifetime.
On the way to Jagged Ridge.
On the way to Jagged Ridge.
With Don Beavon on the way to Jagged Ridge.
With Don Beavon on the way to Jagged Ridge.
On the summit of Icy Peak.
On the summit of Icy Peak.
On the way to climb Seahpo.
On the way to climb Seahpo.
Below Seahpo with Icy Peak behind.
Below Seahpo with Icy Peak behind.
Climbing Seahpo.
Climbing Seahpo.
Belaying Don on Seahpo.
Belaying Don on Seahpo.
Enjoying the climb near the summit of Seahpo.
Enjoying the climb near the summit of Seahpo.
The sky is the limit.
The sky is the limit.
Below the summit of Seahpo.  Jagged Ridge and Mt. Shuksan beyond.
Below the summit of Seahpo. Jagged Ridge and Mt. Shuksan beyond.
Signing another summit register on Seahpo Peak.
Signing another summit register on Seahpo Peak.
Readying one of many rappels on Seahpo.  Franklin's lead on the descent, and his uncanny ability to find anchors where there were few available, will be remembered.
Readying one of many rappels on Seahpo. Franklin's lead on the descent, and his uncanny ability to find anchors where there were few available, will be remembered.
Relaxing traversing towards Jagged Ridge.
Relaxing traversing towards Jagged Ridge.
Franklin with Seahpo beyond.
Franklin with Seahpo beyond.
Scrambling up to the crest of Jagged Ridge.
Scrambling up to the crest of Jagged Ridge.
On Jagged Ridge, enjoying life.
On Jagged Ridge, enjoying life.
Franklin and Don descending steep snow on Jagged Ridge.
Franklin and Don descending steep snow on Jagged Ridge.
Leading a steep section of snow on Jagged Ridge.
Leading a steep section of snow on Jagged Ridge.
Climbing on the crest.
Climbing on the crest.
More crest climbing.
More crest climbing.
Franklin on the summit of Middle Index.
Franklin on the summit of Middle Index.
Franklin poses with Fay on the summit of Middle Index.
Franklin poses with Fay on the summit of Middle Index.
More posing.
More posing.
Franklin ponders the N Cascades from S Hozomeen.
Franklin ponders the N Cascades from S Hozomeen.
Franklin sits out a cold night on a winter ascent of Rainier.
Franklin sits out a cold night on a winter ascent of Rainier.

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Joined: 13 Sep 2004
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PostMon Jan 20, 2014 3:52 pm 

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seeking hygge

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seeking hygge
PostMon Jan 20, 2014 4:03 pm 
Great pics, Tom, many of them with a smile on Franklin's face, as usual

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Joined: 22 Sep 2009
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PostMon Jan 20, 2014 4:05 pm 
thanks tom, been sitting here for the past hour or two going through franklin's and mine. Franklin leading up Argonauts ne couloir on our second attempt.
Franklin clowning around, dragging out the anticipation of being one peak closer to being a bulger.
Summit style.

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Jim Dockery

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Jim Dockery
PostMon Jan 20, 2014 4:40 pm 
Great idea Tom. He was cutting it up on a beautiful day on Rock Mt. a couple weeks ago. Paced the young bucks on the climb and ski down.
Franklin Shreds the Shadow Line
Franklin Shreds the Shadow Line
Franklin on Rock Mt.
Franklin on Rock Mt.

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Joined: 29 Sep 2003
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PostMon Jan 20, 2014 6:15 pm 
franklin, carla and a few other friends were skiing at stevens. he leads the group of us down toward shim's meadows. one part is a bit intimidating to a beginner like me, so fwb stops a step above the trail, so he can keep an eye on me and make sure i get through all right. he is just really good about watching over people. like a beginner, i hem and haw and spend a little time getting myself ready. right as i take off, he does a jump turn down to the trail. i see him, but there is no place else i can go. he sees me and knows. i outweigh by at least 50lbs. next thing i know, i am quite a ways downslope with nary a ski nor pole attached and poor franklin is trying to shake the cobwebs out as i really nailed him. he never got mad at me, even though he had every right to be - newbies like me can be so unpredictable. he shook it off, smiled, and we continued skiing a bunch of great runs like it never happened :>)

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Joined: 05 May 2009
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PostMon Jan 20, 2014 8:10 pm 
What a great idea Tom! This is a summit shot on Rainier last spring. Franklin was always so enthusiastic about the mountains. Right after this shot was taken he had to run over and tag/ski the Liberty rim summit. Us younguns opted out of that adventure... Also: if anybody has any video of Franklin, that they could share, that would be great. As I have some of probably his last ski footage ( and a marvelous deep day it was) that I would like to incorporate with all the other wonderful stories of this great man's life.

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Just Todd
Trowel Owl

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Just Todd
Trowel Owl
PostMon Jan 20, 2014 8:30 pm 
Humpback 10
Humpback 10

Sunset is an all day process.
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Why Do Witches Burn?

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Why Do Witches Burn?
PostMon Jan 20, 2014 8:48 pm 
August 23, 2008 is the day I met him on the summit of Fernow. He took a picture of me with my camera, but I didn't get a picture of him that day. The only pic I can find of him is this, after a day of lift skiing at Mt. Baker on April 3, 2010:

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Tea, Earl Grey, Hot

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Tea, Earl Grey, Hot
PostMon Jan 20, 2014 9:48 pm 
Anthracite Peak, 12/29/13
Anthracite Peak, 12/29/13

“As beacons mountains burned at evening.” J.R.R. Tolkien
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Justus S.

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Justus S.
PostMon Jan 20, 2014 9:51 pm 
Glad I took this pic. Franklin will be missed.
Franklin on Carne 10/12/13
Franklin on Carne 10/12/13

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Joined: 20 Jan 2014
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PostMon Jan 20, 2014 10:36 pm 
I wanted to join to contribute to this thread. I feel very lucky to have done a few trips with Franklin.
Here he is digging for the summit register on Eight Mile
Here he is digging for the summit register on Eight Mile
An appropriate picture as in many ways he felt like a faithful canine friend: always checking up on everyone even if that meant running back and forth, easily distracted by his surroundings and the many picture opportunities, frequently in the front as he was super excited about seeing what was next and getting to the top, and always excited about the adventure and sharing it with you.
throwing a pencil at Stefan
throwing a pencil at Stefan
Remembering him will bring many smiles, though missing him brings many tears.

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Joined: 17 Dec 2001
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PostTue Jan 21, 2014 12:20 pm 

Art is an adventure.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2009
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PostTue Jan 21, 2014 12:56 pm 
Franklin arriving at camp, Rainier
Franklin arriving at camp, Rainier
heading up the Führer Finger early in the morning
heading up the Führer Finger early in the morning
belaying everyone across
belaying everyone across
Franklin topping out on Chiwawa 100th T100
Franklin topping out on Chiwawa 100th T100
Franklin with 7FJ behind
Franklin with 7FJ behind
Franklin  Silver Solstice 06.21.11  Will Baker photo
Franklin Silver Solstice 06.21.11 Will Baker photo

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Born Yesterday

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Born Yesterday
PostWed Jan 22, 2014 7:28 pm 
Thanks everyone for contributing your photos. They're all amazing,

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