Forum Index > Trail Talk > Crazy idea-- Top of Kauai
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Joined: 06 Jun 2006
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PostFri Mar 15, 2024 8:21 pm 
Sitting here in Kauai enjoying the sunshine and looking at the cloudcovered top of the island-- Mounts Wai'ale'ale and Kauaikini. I have read reports of folks hiking to these summits and starting to formulate plans. A few accounts online, but anyone in our Great Group ever tackled this one? Why? (my wife is asking that) I guess because hardly anyone ever does this! Cheers, John

Hiker John
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Joined: 16 Dec 2015
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PostFri Mar 15, 2024 9:11 pm 
Lots of great places on that island. Sounds like you are enjoying more than the sunshine- have fun!

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TJ Zimmerman

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TJ Zimmerman
PostFri Mar 15, 2024 9:49 pm 
I read a lot about it when I was there. Seems like it's a lot easier nowadays because you can follow the hog fence for almost the entirety of it instead of bushwacking the swamps. Wish I could have did it while I was there.

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lookout bob
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lookout bob
WTA proponent.....
PostSat Mar 16, 2024 8:21 am 
John...while I have not been to those summits, I have hiked up to the Alakai swamp which is a really neat and highly recommended trail if you don't mind the wet. Sundew plants and a unique overlook back to Hanalei make this a very cool hike indeed. There are a bunch of other hikes that are really terrific at Kokee which the ranger can recommend. I also think that, if you have time, you should check out Polihale on the exteme western edge of Kauai. ( be really careful if you swim there as there are dangerous rips....) I hope you have a marvelous time over there.1 up.gif up.gif up.gif cool.gif p.s...lovely article in the FFLA magazine. I'm so proud of what you've accomplished at Suntop, Kelly Butte and Granite. You rock up.gif up.gif up.gif cool.gif

"Altitude is its own reward" John Jerome ( from "On Mountains")
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Joined: 20 Oct 2013
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PostSat Mar 16, 2024 8:51 pm 
The tricky thing with the summit is that it has to be exceptionally clear, otherwise you appear to end up in the clouds with the reward not quite there for me. A clear summit is very rare, only very few days per year. I considered the trip in the past, but the weather never worked out. I used the trip report from the paragliding traverse, which I suppose you must have found too. The longer trips I have done there (maybe good alternatives) - - Nu'alolo and Awaʻawapuhi loop . This was really nice and not very hard. I did use microspikes, which I always bring to Kauai. Of course with different conditions it could be very difficult. - - Weeping Wall - This was a very cool trip with more rain that I anticipated. I used microspikes here as well. There are a few pretty sketchy parts (very slippery and poor thread above steep cliffs that end in the river). With hiking poles and microspikes I did it solo and thought it was okay. I was mostly scared of flash flooding when it really started coming down, but apparently it can rain even harder: the river was fine (though I did have to swim across in one spot - 6'2" was insufficient). - I also did Makaleha, but I would only send my worst enemies there. Very physically demanding due to dense vegetation. The pool at the end is very cool though Alakai Swamp: - - Some more stuff here:

jaysway, Eric Hansen, zimmertr
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Joined: 18 Jun 2009
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PostMon Mar 18, 2024 8:22 am 
Did Sleeping Giant while I was there a few weeks ago and it was a nice little jaunt. Short but enough elevation to get the blood pumping, great views and some cool rock formations at the summit. The island high points looked like an all-day commitment for sure. Who has time for that when there's so many pristine beaches to sit at and fresh poke to eat? wink.gif

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