Forum Index > Trip Reports > Rock 7971 and Middle Tiffany 7967 mountains 6.5.16
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Joined: 02 Jun 2013
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PostMon Jun 06, 2016 11:54 am 
So hot in Seattle, I couldn't sleep, reset my final alarm and got up around 10 am Sunday. One of those "maybe I still have time" moments. Granted I had to drive 4+ hours to the trailhead and do some hiking. It was settled, I was on my way. Traffic on Sunday, yes, and there was construction up north as well on I-5. A few times I wondered if my idea was really worth the effort. On 20 it was smooth sailing, views abound. Didn't pull out the camera because I really didn't have time to but wished I did. Further along I passed a scene of an accident. A motorcyclist off the road. Parked cars along the freeway, strangers helping strangers, folks flagging with their arms, others beside the fallen motorcyclist calming him until the emergency crews arrived. Really nice seeing people rally to help others. Hoping this rider made it out ok, surely lots of love around him (or her). Lots of people out on this day. Folks taking pictures and parking to walk to views. Pretty straight forward once I got to Winthrop. Got mixed up on one of the roads in but found the bridge I needed to keep on track. The road in was a bit rough for my front wheel drive car. Some rocks to dodge and others in the crown to watch for. Made it to the trailhead around 4pm. Nice day, no bugs on the ascent. Very warm. Packed 3 quarts but really only drank one. Crossed a bunch of blow downs, over two dozen. Everyone easy to cross wearing shorts and boots without gaiters. No poles either. I took very few pictures on the way up because my camera was showing low battery. Some flowers out and the Tiffany was looking picturesque to my right.
The ascent of Rock was easier than expected. Wide open and quite pleasant. Didn't find a register, a two minute stop then off to Middle Tiffany.
Not much snow, some between the two mountains. It's soft and I sank in a foot but that was about it. Just enough for me to regret not taking gaiters. I'd have to stop and clear the snow from my boots a few times. Middle Tiffany had more rocks. Nothing bad, some hands on to balance mostly. Up top in no time, once again didn't find a register so I headed down.
A quick descent pausing to take pics along the way but kept a steady pace in my race verse the falling sun.
Back at the TH out came the bugs. Mostly mosquitoes. On my drive down I stopped and kicked some rocks out of the road. One was too big in the center of the road, didn't bother with that one. Many looked like they'd been hit before with scratches on them.
Highway 20 in the evening, one should keep and eye out for deer. I saw a half dozen lurking on the shoulders and one fawn out on the road. Harder to see with a bazillion bugs on your headlights and windshield. In Marblemount I got gas and cleaned my windshield and headlights. Like a cup of coffee, a clean windshield is! Home again past 12 in the am. Was it worth it? Yeah. Bagged some stuff that'd been on my mind, got out and stretched the legs. Approx. 8 miles and 2,500 elevation gain. Most if not all of the snow should be gone shortly due to south-east exposures. Lots of free running springs along the route. Real gushers on ascent of Rock Mountain right now. Some flowers, more towards the trailhead. Blow downs, maybe around 30 total. Bugs are out and some that sting as well. Wet areas approaching Honeymoon Pass.

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Joined: 13 Jul 2006
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PostMon Jun 06, 2016 12:15 pm 
Way better than baking in the city. up.gif

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Have camera will use

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Have camera will use
PostMon Jun 06, 2016 12:59 pm 
That was a fun read! up.gif A nice flow to the words and story. I kept wondering if you'd make it home, or have to shack up for the night somewhere. That trip was a lot like one of mine, except I'd have left early and come home early. You did it at the other end of the day. Regarding the deer, I always dread those on my early morning drives. I think they're even more of them out and about then, than at the end of the day, but maybe that's just my paranoia.

'Gali'Walker => 'Mountain-pass' walker bobbi: "...don't you ever forget your camera!" Photography:
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Joined: 02 Jun 2013
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PostMon Jun 06, 2016 9:27 pm 
Rich- I couldn't agree more. GW- Thank you. In regards to deer, radio down, eyes trained to the edges of the headlight beams. It's no joke, deer cause serious accidents so vigilance is worth the extra time. Each one I saw I took no chances and slowed way down so if they jumped into the road I could stop for them and me. That fawn was standing in the middle of the road all bouncing around. Luckily I noticed it's color variations on it's back so I immediately slowed and turned lights off then on and it scampered away. Another deer did this posturing when I turned my lights off, pouncing action with front legs stretched out like a bear bluff charging.

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Mid Fork Rocks

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Mid Fork Rocks
PostMon Jun 06, 2016 10:12 pm 
Brucester wrote:
uhh.gif Are you trying to keep the log from splitting?

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Joined: 02 Jun 2013
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PostMon Jun 06, 2016 11:45 pm 
puzzlr- I was crossing one of the 30 (or so) fallen trees across the trail. Just different perspective. Can't remember which number this was. embarassedlaugh.gif

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PostTue Jun 07, 2016 7:29 am 

Living in the Anthropocene
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