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Climbing Connoisseur

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Climbing Connoisseur
PostFri Jun 20, 2014 11:12 am 
Come on Karen! We're all hoping for some good news.

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Goats Know
Gravity's Bitch

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Goats Know
Gravity's Bitch
PostFri Jun 20, 2014 11:23 am 
Adding my prayers to the pile of prayers!!

Here on this mountaintop...Woahoho...I got some wild, wild life - Talking Heads
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PostFri Jun 20, 2014 11:28 am 
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made of hamburger

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made of hamburger
PostFri Jun 20, 2014 11:31 am 
Hoping for the best for her.

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Huge Member

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PostFri Jun 20, 2014 11:34 am 
She knows what she's doing. I've got a bad feeling about this.

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Obi Tony Kenobi
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Obi Tony Kenobi
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PostFri Jun 20, 2014 11:41 am 
Hope Karen that you are all right and we hear from you soon!!!

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PostFri Jun 20, 2014 11:50 am 
On Wednesday, I hiked Owyhigh Lakes Trail to the pass above the lakes and then up Tamanos Mountain. I saw no evidence of anyone else in the area but I was likely there several hours before she would have been. It was sunny on the north side of that pass all day but low clouds were hanging in the Kotsuck Creek valley all day and it likely would have been foggy on that trail. This isn't really helpful, just information. Hoping for a good outcome.
cloudy on the other side of the pass
cloudy on the other side of the pass

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PostFri Jun 20, 2014 12:03 pm 
I drove past the pack of parked search vehicles last night....hoping for good news

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Huge Member

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PostFri Jun 20, 2014 12:03 pm 
King5 teevee news just said 2 rescuers were injured and and had to be airlifted out frown.gif

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PostFri Jun 20, 2014 12:07 pm 
My very first backpacking trip was selected from Karen's book on "Hidden Hikes," so although I've never had the privilege of meeting her, I think of her as something of my backpacking godmother. Adding mine to the good vibes. <3

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Joined: 23 May 2008
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PostFri Jun 20, 2014 12:11 pm 
The news articles are saying that SAR is searching on the Owyhigh Lakes trail (I'm sure they're incorrect, as news outlets usually are when it comes to trails). Don, didn't you say she and her partner went up via the Deer Falls trail?

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PostFri Jun 20, 2014 12:18 pm 
fourteen410 wrote:
The news articles are saying that SAR is searching on the Owyhigh Lakes trail (I'm sure they're incorrect, as news outlets usually are when it comes to trails). Don, didn't you say she and her partner went up via the Deer Falls trail?
Deer falls trail is just a short .50 mile hike downhill until it hooks up with Owyhigh Lakes Trail. It is accessed via Hwy 123. I was just there a few weekends ago. They should be searching the correct route.

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Blue Dome
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Blue Dome
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PostFri Jun 20, 2014 12:18 pm 
Good vibes sent to you, Karen. Come back safe.

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Joined: 25 Apr 2005
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PostFri Jun 20, 2014 12:19 pm 
I saw the same discrepancy. Yes, I was told by her hiking partner that they hiked in from SR 123.

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PostFri Jun 20, 2014 12:38 pm 
The Owyhigh Lakes trail is approx 9 mi and goes between a trail head on the White River Rd and one on SR 123. From the info you supplied Don, my guess is they started near Cayuse Pass in snow on the Eastside trail and then traveled south eventually hooking up with the Owyhigh Lakes trail at a snow free lower elevation about 3 mi into the hike. Then they had at least 2 mi of snow free hiking. At the switchbacks we hit intermittent snow but could ezily and safely follow the trail. Not sure when exactly we hit solid untracked snow, but I think we probably turned around at about 5300' because my back gave out ... we were just short of breaking out into the lower lakes basin but still had some trees to go thru. Anyhow, besides my back and having a GPS which up to that point had been fairly accurate on the snow (we ezily found signs of the trail along the way - like sawed off logs) I was getting nervous about the last bit because it was also getting more obscure, a little steeper and a bit sketchy (plus we'd never been on that side of the trail), so we turned back. She very well could have had the same experience, went on and got lost. I'm still hoping for the very best.

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